Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Blood is thicker than water..."

The German proverb that was first penned by Heinrich der Glîchezære is about more than just emotional attachment to our kin. It's about genetics. The basic unit of life on Earth is the gene. Genes are similar to computer programs because they guide everything from our physical characteristics and traits to our behavior. The reason a person feels a connection with a relative comes not only from their past history of common experience and sacrifice, but also because, quite simply, your genes LIVE inside your relatives, and their "job" is to defend one another. Genes do not "think," but the simple truth is this: genes have built us to protect and replicate themselves. A genes only "purpose" is to copy itself, and to do so efficiently, economically, and effectively. The propagation, multiplication, and competition of genes is what has built the diversity of life that we see in our world today. Genes themselves were built from atomic interactions, and it only took one singular event from the infinite range of possibilities that the elements afforded this chance to start the process of replication as the "ultimate catalyst for life." As Richard Dawkins states in "The Selfish Gene," we are "survival machines" built for the protection and the dissemination of our genetic code. Everything on Earth that's living has a DNA code, even plants. One example of how the process of non-random selection works is this: take a chili pepper for instance, evolution perfectly explains why a chili pepper is hot to our taste. Chili peppers have evolved their "hotness" because the hotter they are, the less likely they are to be eaten, and eaten in terms of survival means their genes die and depopulate. Through random mutations, or "genetic copying errors," chili peppers have evolved this distinguished attribute. Another example is opium. Opium plants have thrived throughout history because of their uncanny ability to soothe pain when ingested. This mutation has enabled opium plants to successfully and abundantly reproduce and replicate for centuries. In other words, this mutation has allowed the opium plant to be SELECTED FOR. The painkilling genetic mutation that this plant fortunately produced was VERY advantageous to its survival, therefore, it has flourished. This is NATURAL SELECTION. Evolution logically explains everything from the dinosaurs to the giraffe to wisdom teeth to skin color. It even explains why it is that when we eat, we gorge. Darwin proposed the heretical idea that all life is descended from a common ancestor, and microscopic analysis of each and every organism's DNA has only confirmed the eye-opening truth, that human beings are not "different." Nietzsche once said, "become what you are." Animal I have become...

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