Tuesday, June 29, 2010


EVOLUTION: Hello all. To kick things off, I would just like to say that I have extensively researched Christian and non-Christian sources so I ask that you please trust that my goal is to sift through any bias and reach the truth.
Intrigue in the human evolution debate has sparked an entire change of direction in my life. It is absolutely, in my opinion, impossible for the literal Bible interpretation to hold any credibility if macro-evolution is true. Now there is the possibility that the Genesis account is non-literal, but I am highly doubtful that it was meant to be a symbolic effort. Biology's most important basis is evolution. 54 branches of Biology use evolution as a matter of fact. For example, Evolution 4703 is a required class to graduate from University of Central Oklahoma with a degree in Biology. While evolution is a theory, did you know that gravity is also a theory? It is virtually impossible to prove ANYTHING. However, using DNA sequencing, biologists can see the differences in species at a microscopic level, and they have found that the DNA patterns show a branching tree that implies divergence from a common ancestor. The evidence is out there, one just has to release any preconceived biases and simply open the mind's "doors" to enlighten.

Why can't the HIV virus be defeated? The rapid evolution that occurs once the human is infected leads to disaster for the immune system. Also, the doctor gives you orders to finish your full course of antibiotics because if you don’t, resistance occurs. Resistance is evolution in germs. The scientific community (99% of them) is in agreement that evolution is as much a fact as any theory could possibly be. The small percentage of people who deny this are in large part Christians, and in America, as many as 45% of people still do not accept evolution. For instance, do you believe, as I did for many years, that God created all the differing languages at the Tower of Babel or do you think the better explanation for this is that humans evolved over varying areas of the world and developed these languages through natural processes? It’s a very difficult pill to swallow, and I have struggled for a long time to accept this, but I feel I have finally crossed over.

Source: http://www.actionbioscience.org/evolution/lenski.html