Tuesday, January 11, 2011

No Such Thing as "Why"

ACCEPTING THE IMPROBABLE-This one, basic concept, for many years, I simply never even thought of...

If the universe is too complex not to have been designed, then God is also too complex not to have been designed. A creator-god would never be something simple or, more importantly, something simpler than the universe. If this god is at least as complex as the universe, then it needs a designer and a creator at least as much as the universe does. Believers allow an omnipotent creator God, which is infinitely more complex than our universe, off the hook and say that such a complex being doesn't require a designer itself, yet still use the fallacy that our universe is evidence for this far more superior being.
My overall point follows; wouldn't the simplest explanation plainly be that "the universe just happened", and after 11 billion years, and with a billion billion (literally) planets in space, single-cell replicators of life were destined to develop somewhere out of all of those possible elemental combinations and then evolution by natural selection (which is supported by massive amounts of undeniable scientific evidence) guided us to where we are 2 billion years later? Instead, we complicate matters with an all-powerful God that just "always existed" and chose to be invisible to us. Just think about this for a moment...if you were God, would it not just be absurd to create human beings only to remain physically hidden from them? That's like choosing to have a kid and before they see you, you move to outer space and watch their entire life from a surveillance camera.



korgplaya said...

There is only why...........Why out of all the infinite possibilities, did the Universe, just randomly appear? Why is it so vast, while we remain so small? Why can't we know? The only scientific evidence I've ever heard of are "Theories". "The Big Bang Theory", "Theory of Relativity". "Space-Time continuum theory". "Alternate Universe theory". Hell Wormholes and Black holes are not proven. Just Theory. What if the Bible IS Sound Doctrine? It has definitely stood the test of time. Were you so much more un-happier, when you believed in God? If so, Why? There is only Why!!

ragzy said...

If there is "only why" then tell me this. Why are 1 in every 4000 human boys born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy? The perfect Creator provided us with some great DNA huh? Also, why did He create viruses? He certaintly must have an affinity for the virus because it's the most abundant organism on Earth. So if your children used their free will and simply didn't pick your way, you would curse their existence? I don't think so. Sending my kids to hell for being free to choose, but choosing wrong doesn't exactly fit my bill for a loving, just father.

As far as the Bible being "sound doctrine," I used to feel that way too until I really looked at the passages I always casually "skimmed" over. It's horrendous unless you wanna conveniently ignore such verses as:

Deut 25:11-12
Genesis 38:8-10
Deut 21:18-21
Ex 35:2
Lev 20:13
Isaiah 13:13-16
Exodus 21:20-21
1 Tim 2:11-12
Col 3:22-23
Luke 14:26
Deut 22:13-21
Isaiah 40:8

Not exactly my idea of sound doctrine. I mean, seriously, slavery, homophobia, misogony. And the Creator of the universe chose THIS as His best attempt at a message to His children?
Yes, Jesus had many great teachings and parables, but so did Confucius who predates Jesus by 500 years. There have been literally thousands of crazy people to claim that they're God, why choose Jesus? Why not Muhammad? Why not Joseph Smith? Oh, that's right, those people are deceived, but Christians aren't. Religious people have a very similar characteristic in common, arrogance. Arrogant to believe that you can actually look in the mirror and say you are going to Heaven and Ghandi isn't.
Christianity is the most popular religion in the world because it is simply the most CONVENIENT. Jesus atoned for your sin, try to do the best you can, but all you have to do is believe and guess what, YOU'RE IN! Murdered a thousand people? No problem. As long as you have a change of heart five minutes before you die, you're safe. That's justice!?!

Lastly, if the only reason people are living moral lives is because they think God is watching and will judge them, then what does that say about those people?

korgplaya said...

I don't claim to know everything about every verse. But I do know that from what I've studied, most of the "negativity" portrayed in the Bible, is usually a by-product, or a "consequence" of some wrong doing by the characters in said verses. Slavery was never condoned by God. It was condemned. The Israelites were made slaves to the egyptians. That was never portrayed in any other manner than devastating to the Israelites, from what I've read. It is also taken out of context, when God conveys that something "WILL" happen. He is not commanding it to happen. He's saying what's GOING to happen. How can this be so misconstrued? My faith is based, not on the belief that I'm simply "saved" because Jesus atoned for my sins. That is a HUGE Christian misconception, but, rather,I believe in acting as he taught. To me, that is the basis for "True" Christianity. His covenant means that God already knew that we would be sinners, because it is too difficult for us as imperfect beings, NOT to be sinners. Faith means that we should not worry about messing up, because that's how God designed us. However, that does not mean that we should not try. Nobody even tries anymore. That is the state of Christianity today. We are living in the time of "The Falling Away" of the Church. Where men will satisfy their "Itching Ears" with whatever info sooths them. All in the Bible, BTW. I have to believe in it. Without it, I am nothing more than a roach, roaming around on this earth, waiting to be stomped out. I have to believe that there is SO much more to mine, and EVERYONE'S existence. My spiritual side allows me to accept sound scientific fact, but still yearns to know what my "spiritual footprint" means. There will never be another me. How could that not be a gift from a higher power?