DISCLAIMER: I wanted to do something different, but I have to warn you that this is poetry embedded in a message, so accept it for what it is. This, like most poetry, is art, and it's not created to be a quick or easy read. There was a lot of work put into this, and there are hidden, subtle things that may take a few reads to catch or understand.
Escalation is my resuscitation. The elevation of this glorification will never satiate the level of frustration I have with my dream, of which I seem, to believe that the hope of a perfect life will never come to fruition with me......but wait, there IS hope.....a paradigm shift, trust it. This life is an opportunity to tread loudly and cross your Ts with Vs to form a weapon that we need the most; a pitchfork to slay the system that controls us. Remember this pain though, and use it, because we wouldn’t feel the real that steals the very soul that we hold onto....this is life, our one chance for change, and we CAN rise above takin’ the low road from the blows that we get from below! What are we searching for? Surely not a whore that’s been found throughout history so many times before. The only rule is that there ARE none, and we’re tired and done with the system enforcing a certain way to behave in these times that we need to betray! The machine that oversees can be overcome, out of its aim to tell us how to live and what to do, but with whom do we have the nerve up to serve up the all-coming enemies that think they know the switches to pull to guide our inner bull...our will. Our savior is hope, our smoke..our high, the remedy to the anti-bitch that tells us we'll inevitably choke, but we know that we won't, because through sacrifice we'll persist till the party insists that we leave because we've broken enough rules to engulf the fool that believes in this illusion of rules. And now I'm gonna tell you a secret, so always keep it: without a god to blame, never feel one ounce of shame for this pain that you feel every day that makes you go insane. Always remember, there will never be another person that's hurtin' so bad that they can't express their own dream to find the piece/peace inside that we're all searching for.......REINVENT YOUR WILL, so we can steal back the wheel back from the machine that is driving our lives.......
Truth has two parts: discovery and acceptance.......consider part one DONE.